Squire John's Bike Fitting Services
If you have back pain, knee pain, hot foot or any other sort of nagging pain, you owe it to yourself to get a bike fit at the store. When your bike fits right, you feel good, more power is produced, and you can ride longer and more consistently with less or no pain.

Squire John's uses the RETUL Muv to get you a custom fit that is exactly to your dimensions. Our bike fit team Dave and Shane have been specially trained by Specialized and have passed their exams. They possess the proven skills and expertise to systematically tailor your bike position and equipment to your body!
Call to book a fittingOur goal with the Retul technology is to provide the most accurate and comprehensive bike fit data to help make better fit decisions. A great fit will allow our customer to experience more comfort and better performance on the bike, or buy a new bike will full confidence in selecting the right model and size!
We are proud to be the only bike shop in the area offering the Retul bike fit experience!

Shane Kilfoyle - Partner, Specialized RETFUL Trained
“Getting the Retul system in the store is a game changer, it makes the process so much faster and allows for more on the spot experimentation. Not only that we can take old bike measurements and dial them right into the Retul system, allowing for an instant canvas to work from when buying a new bike off the floor. Bike fit isn’t just for the new buyer either; as we get older our bodies change and often making some minor adjustments to an existing bike will make all the difference in how comfortable the ride can be!”